The "all american" art CARTOONING[a cura di Bert Cholet e David Icove]
Higgins Ink Co., Brooklyn, N.Y., Stati Uniti, 1944

Fascicolo di 68 pagine bianco e nero, pił copertina a 3 colori (nero, rosso e blu) + 0, confezione a punti metallici; copertina di Don Herold.

Il fascicolo passa in rassegna i temi del cartooning portando gli esempi di autori importanti.

Accessibile in Fondazione


  1. Preface (di Tracy Higgins, presidente della Higgins Ink Co.)
  2. The Theory of Humor
  3. Materials
  4. Pen Exercises
  5. Brush Exercises
  6. Drawing for Reproduction
  7. Cartooning A Language
  8. Action and Balance
  9. Animation
  10. Personalizing Your Symbols
  11. Animals
  12. Individuality and Style
  13. Proportion
  14. The Head
  15. Hands
  16. Feet
  17. Draping the Figure
  18. Spots and Values
  19. The Comic Strip
  20. Single Box Comics
  21. Spot or Gag Cartoons
  22. The Cartoons in Advertising
  23. Political Cartoons
  24. Sports Cartoons
  25. Cartooning for Specialized Fields
  26. Scholastic Cartooning
  27. Caricature