Pen Tips on CARTOONINGdi Charles Stoner
C. Howard Hunt Pen Co., Camden, New York, USA, 1941

Fascicolo di 48 pagine bianco e nero, pių copertina a 2 colori (verde e marrone, su carta paglierina) + 0, confezione a punti metallici.

Il fascicolo č illustrato dall'autore, mentre tutti i testi sono scritti a mano, con un lettering di rara efficacia e precisione, da Edith Crombie.

accessibile in Fondazione


  1. Introduction
  2. Materials for Cartooning
  3. Exercise on Pen Control
  4. Tones and Techniques
  5. Anatomy
  6. Swing Boys
  7. Hands
  8. Simplified Drawing of Hands
  9. Exercise on Arms and Hands
  10. Arms and Feet
  11. Exercise on Expression
  12. Exercise on Action
  13. Kids
  14. Animal Personalities - The Virtuoso
  15. Animal Personalities - The Big Shot
  16. Squirrels
  17. Animal Cartoons
  18. Lion Musicale
  19. Making Something out of a Little Bit
  20. Crazy Birds
  21. Light and Shadow
  22. A Few Shots on Perspective
  23. Composition
  24. Comic Strips
  25. Single Picture Cartoons
  26. Political Cartoons & Commentaries
  27. Political Cartoons
  28. Caricatures
  29. Everyday Uses for Cartoons